Mittwoch, 3. Mai 2006

Die Happy: I am

< Das Frauenlied ;o) >

I'm an angel, I'm a devil
I am sometimes in between
I'm as bad as I can get
And good as it can be
Sometimes I'm a million colours,
Sometimes I'm black and white
I am all extremes
Try to figure me out you never can
There're so many things I am

I am special
I am beautiful
I am wonderful, powerful, unstopable
Sometimes I'm miserable,
Sometimes I'm pitiful
But that's so typical of all the things I am

I am someone filled with self belief
And haunted by self doubts,
I got all the answers
I got nothing figured out
I like to be by myself
I hate to be alone
I'm up and I am down
But that's part of the thrill
Part of the plan
Part of all the things I am

I'm a million contradictions
Sometimes I make no sense
Sometimes I'm perfect,
Sometimes I'm a mess
Sometimes I'm not sure who I am

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